Saturday, January 29, 2005

Now you know what my morning commute feels like!

World premiere of Vekoma's Booster Bike at Toverland

Check out this video

I'm the guy in the red jacket in the background. The motorcycle that they're firing up is a prototype Moto GP bike. This was filmed at the seattle international motorcycle show last december. That bike was damm loud. I had allyson on the phone so she can hear too!

For more info about this bike, go here...

Monday, January 24, 2005

that's all for now! Posted by Hello

random 4 Posted by Hello

random 3 Posted by Hello

random 2 Posted by Hello

random 1 Posted by Hello

do i look taller in this picture? Posted by Hello

me and diamond head Posted by Hello

Windy! Posted by Hello

smile, you're on candid camera! Posted by Hello

the memorial at pearl harbor. No Wen's or Schlenger's. Posted by Hello

Hi! Posted by Hello

nice closeup Posted by Hello

mom and baby Posted by Hello

what's over there? Posted by Hello

this tastes funny Posted by Hello

hello! Posted by Hello

yum Posted by Hello

Gray's house. Aloha! Posted by Hello

GGMS again Posted by Hello

GGMS Posted by Hello

fast moving grandma Posted by Hello

NN 5 Posted by Hello

NN 4 Posted by Hello

NN 3 Posted by Hello

NN 2 Posted by Hello