Sunday, February 27, 2005

up close! Posted by Hello

other angle Posted by Hello

trying to roll over... Posted by Hello

Hey! Posted by Hello

hello! Posted by Hello

this toy should be standing straight up... Posted by Hello

chewing on his hand Posted by Hello

zzzz Posted by Hello

zzzz Posted by Hello

it's gotta be the shoes! (baby jordans) Posted by Hello

up close Posted by Hello

moo moo sitting w/ me watching tv Posted by Hello

fuzzy claiming her plate Posted by Hello

fish Posted by Hello

Happy Chinese New Year! Posted by Hello

Sunday, February 06, 2005

guess I need to "lean into it!" Posted by Hello

my tires after a CBSBC ride. notice i'm using all except the last inch of tire on each side... Posted by Hello

notice how fuzzy figured out how to step on the string to bring the balloon down so she can play with it... Posted by Hello

another shot Posted by Hello

sleeping on the way home. he's moving his mouth... Posted by Hello

Kris and Erik at the museum Posted by Hello

another artifact from the 9/11 exhibit. i believe this was found at ground zero. Posted by Hello

desc Posted by Hello

this is a steel column from the WTC at the 9/11 exhibit. Posted by Hello

asleep 2 Posted by Hello