Sunday, October 30, 2005

Jack's Birthday Party 10/27 @ Home - Part Duex

Here are pictures taken from Allyson's mom's camera. Further below you will find more pictures taken from my camera.

grandma's camera #14 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #13 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #12 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #11 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #10 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #9 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #8 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #7 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #6 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #5 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #4 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #3 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #2 Posted by Picasa

grandma's camera #1 Posted by Picasa

Jack's Birthday Party 10/27 @ Home

This is jack's 2nd 1st birthday party. On thursday (10/27) we had a party at home for the little guy. just dad, mom, grandma, and jack. we'll have a big party on saturday w/ guests.

The pictures below are taking using my camera. due to the blog format, you'll have to view the pictures in reverse.

ming's card side view Posted by Picasa

ming, this is your card. notice the frayed edges. Posted by Picasa

happy and tired Posted by Picasa

finally, he warms up to wearing the hat. this is after both allyson and I wore them. Posted by Picasa

the cleanup crew moves in Posted by Picasa

cake #27 - the aftermath... not bad at all. Posted by Picasa

cake #26 - not looking good... Posted by Picasa

cake #25 - let's try the hat again... Posted by Picasa

cake #24 - are we done? Posted by Picasa

cake #23 Posted by Picasa

cake #22 Posted by Picasa