Wednesday, December 14, 2005

korean VS2005 launch song

Ready2005.Com 홈

no idea what they're saying, but still fun to watch.

Blogthings - Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

Blogthings - Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

woo hoo! 10/10. still got it!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Ho Ho Ho

We went to CycleBarn today to take pictures w/ Santa. Instead of reindeers, this one has an ATV!

jack & santa #3 Posted by Picasa

jack & santa #2 Posted by Picasa

jack & santa #1 Posted by Picasa

what wil's been reading...

I finished 2 books recently, and within them I found 2 gems. It just so happens they're similar...

Book #1 - Valentino Rossi's Autobiography

He's the Tiger Woods/Michael Jordan of motorcycle racing, and arguably even more dominant. Only interesting part in the book is his honda to yamaha story. While growing up, he often received riding tips from other people.

Gem - You need to fine tune your BS meter. Basically, when someone tells you something, you immediately determine if it's BS or not. If it's BS, you ignore it and optionally let them know it's BS. If it's not, then you absorb it and take appropriate action. Finally, trust your BS meter.

Book #2 - Michael Creighton's State of Fear

Fiction about bio-terrorism and environmentalists. Story was decent. ending was lame and predictable.

Gem - Most information you receive come from sources that have an agenda (news, politicians, etc.). Your BS meter should tell you if the information is "agenda free", or it is information with "an agenda". You will then know what to do with that information. On the other hand, do you have an agenda? If people think you have an agenda when you actually don't, then perhaps they are the ones with agendas. Comprende?

celebrating allyson's birthday at my uncle's in vancouver Posted by Picasa

rice crackers #11 Posted by Picasa

jack's tired Posted by Picasa

rice crackers #10 Posted by Picasa

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jack eating his rice crackers Posted by Picasa

halloween night #5 Posted by Picasa

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halloween night #3 Posted by Picasa

halloween night #2 Posted by Picasa

posing w/ neighbor's baby girl Posted by Picasa

halloween morning #4 Posted by Picasa