Wednesday, October 27, 2004

going to the hospital

getting serious...


Anonymous said...

i just spoke w/ wil (5:20pm PST). they've been at the hospital since 7am & jack's still not budging! allyson's at 4cm... and she needs to get to 10cm. at 1cm/hr, that's 6 more hours & then the pushing starts. *OMG* -hj

Anonymous said...

keep posting HJ
allyson, keep pushing...when you're at 10CM


Anonymous said...

Allyson is currently at 6 centimeters and at 9 o clock we will have another exam. Hopefully she will be 8-9 centimeters by then.

she had an epidoral at 3.


Anonymous said...

Hi Will and Allyson,
We are so excited for you! We will keep checking your site for updates.
Anxiously awaiting status.

Anonymous said...

Waiting to hear something. Michelle and I are excited for you. Hope we get some news soon!
- Jeff