Thursday, May 19, 2005

woo hoo! I finally did it!

No, I did not put a knee down… but…

I had my first crash! It was the 2nd to last session, and it was starting to rain again. I told myself to take it easy, so I purposely did not pass anyone (except one guy). On the back it started to rain a little more, and as I enter turn 7, a left hander up the hill, my front tire started to wobble, and next thing I know the bike gave out under me. What’s weird is that it’s a left hand turn, and the bike and I both fell on the RIGHT side. My leathers are slightly scuffed, and I walked away w/ no problems. The bike suffered some cosmetic damage to the right side. Frame slider is gone. Plastics, levers, pegs, muffler are scratched up. Mechanically, the bike was fine. I was able to ride it back into the pits.

Now the good news. There was this guy that was promoting motocam. For $30, he followed/videoed me for 2 sessions. In a week or two, he’ll send me the DVD. So when that’s in, I’ll let u know.

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