Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Perils of the Common Type System

Nerd alert! Do not read this article if you're not a geek.

The Perils of the Common Type System

Interesting take. Is MSFT trying to dominate the market via its polymorphic programming framework? Does the portability of a common system outweigh the vanilla-isation of programming languages? Will this stifle innovations in new programming languages?

Hello Kitty

and this happened in Redmond, WA!

Motorcycle vs. Cougar

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

HotorNot + Yahoo

Find hot people in your local area... now this is an innovative use of technology!
HotorNot + Yahoo

Monday, September 26, 2005

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Weekly status report

Poor attempt at a work joke... but it's been another week.

First of all, I did some philanthropy work this week! Infospace sponsored a Food Lifeline event where 30 of us went and helped organize food for the needy. Typically surplus food is donated from local grocery stores and manufacturers. We sort through the donated foods and package up the good ones. We were warned that there are "little critters" (the furry kind, not the 8 legged kind) that have gotten into the food storage. As I was sorting through a box of granola bars, I found myself a new little friend! I also helped sort through the "fresh" produce and baked goods. Man, some of the breads and cakes looked sooooo good... Safeway donates some nice stuff! Also, I had to throw away entire boxes of cold medicine. They don't reharvest those because they contain the main ingredient to make meth. In the end we packaged a few thousand pounds of food. They told us that some of it will go towards the hurricane victims. I'm glad we can help.

On Saturday I was Mr. Mom, so I took some pictures of Jack. Later that night, we thought maybe he can try on his new shoes and push the walker around the house. Boy was he hooked! He must have done 30-40 laps around the house, and when we stopped, he was PO'ed! The good news is that all that walking tired him out and he didn't get up in the middle of the night. I posted the pictures below and you can just see how happy he was w/ the walker!

Great weather on Sunday, rode the 3 passes (Stevens, Blewitt, Snoqualmie) through Lavenworth. I-97 is just such a sweet road. Like people taking their dogs out for a run, I took my bike out to get its exercise. It was very happy today.

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he does that thing w/ his mouth Posted by Picasa

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guess he blinked at the wrong time! Posted by Picasa

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is he getting sleepy? Posted by Picasa

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he's concentrating on the TV Posted by Picasa

he's just growing so fast! i need to raise the seat height. Posted by Picasa

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close up. he needs a haircut soon... Posted by Picasa