Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cashed in my INSP options

W/ the continuing decline in stock price, I figure I might as well cash in before it's too late (you could argue it's already too late). So after 5 years of service, I had 1750 exercisable shares that were above water. My take home is $15K after taxes. There's not a lot of positive things I can say about that.

I only wish I had pulled the trigger a lot earlier, but when things are good, you just don't think of the worst. You really have a different perspective on things when you have kids. I could have cashed out last fall when INSP was in the $50's, and that would have taken care of my family for a while. I didn't, and now we're gonna have to work a few extra years for that oversight. It feels like 2000 all over again.

Looking on the plus side though, we've got our health and a great house. Jack's growing so fast, Allyson's business is doing better than ever, we're on the verge of upgrading our real estate business, and I've got plans to start a new part time business next year.

To summarize thing... I watched "Fever Pitch" over the weekend, where Jimmy Fallon asks "when has the Boston Red Sox loved you back?" Has your company ever loved you back? I'm still waiting for the INSP equivalent of winning the World Series.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Same experience. I got a few thousand options at around $2.25. A year and a half later, the price hit $120/share. I didn't touch the options. I finally bailed out when they returned to $20/share. It's a shame I didn't know what I had. I was terrified of the tax issue and didn't realize I could cash out just the ones that had vested. Ah, it was very confusing.

Of course now I kick myself.

Incidentally, the wife and I saw "Fever Pitch" this weekend as well. I expected it to be a real bomb but ended up liking it.