Saturday, October 01, 2005

motorcycle crash in split frame

yes. it happens that quickly. one second you're king of the hill. next second you're looking up at the sky.

Studio819, Photography by Brandon Bones - powered by smugmug

Today I was on a ride where we're doing 60mph in the rain. Then, after lunch it clears up, and while doing a 10mph right hand turn to the highway on ramp, this guy wipes out and lowsides. Sometimes you can't explain why you crash. It just happens.

Actually, if you look at those pictures, her front tire was on the white paint. So, what may have happened is that she rode on to the paint w/ the front tire, then as she gassed it, the bike turned sideways. I wonder if that's what happened to me when I crashed? This crash was on turn 7, which is exactly where I went down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup, that is what happened. Rain, paint, little to quick on the gas and spun up the back tire and away she went.

She was amazing though, back up and riding again in the next session after having someone take her to Hinshaw's to pick up a part.