Monday, October 24, 2005


Thanks for everyone's warm wishes for my birthday last saturday. For my birthday I got a bunch of things, and the highlight was heated gear for motorcycle riding. Winter weather, 60mph, you get the idea. It can get really chilly, but now w/ my electric jacket and gloves, I'll be all warm and toasty even in the coldest days.

jacket liner

In other news, I sold my 7-unit apt building in Tacoma. We're taking its equity, adding in the equity from selling our old house, and putting it into a mall near Houston. It is a Tenant-In-Common, which allows scrubs like myself to be a joint owner in an institutional level property. We should see steady cash flow (FINALLY!) plus appreciation/depreciation from this property. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Price Plaza

This Thursday is Jack's 1st birthday. Amazing how quickly time goes by. He cought the cold bug when he went back to NJ, but he's doing fine now. We're having a birthday party for him on Saturday, and I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and share them on the blog.

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